Before I became a Studio Makeup Artist, I was a Model. Part of my career was as a lingerie model. I went on an interview for a well known company & not only got the job shooting for their catalogs, I became their "fit model". I happened to measure the perfect size for bras. Strange because I always thought bras were made according to size but they are made "fitted" on a "34 B". All sizes start as a 34 B. It was a very different and interesting experience. I spent a lot of time holding very, very still while designers pinned and cut directly on my body! Very still!!
During this time, the other "fit model" & I had to do small, live fashion shows for buyers. These were in conference rooms and were mostly men. There we were in a room full of "suits" in nothing but our underwear! We did however, find pantyhose that were nude all the up with no panels. We used to wear 2 pairs to feel like we had some protection! We had to "show" the salesmen the fabrics on our bodies, the fit and worst of all, the feel of the fabric. That meant the salesmen would feel free to 'freely feel' the little clothing we had on! Feel they did! Any excuse to "touch the merchandise"! In any other job that type of behavior would not be allowed, but in areas of the "industry" (for lack of a better word), anything goes, that is if you want to work!
This type of behavior went on even when I became a Makeup Artist! I actually thought I'd be safe from those things as a Makeup Artist, I had to think again. I did not have to perform my makeup duties in my underwear but at times it seemed I may as well have. I had this one gig working in TV news. I applied makeup for the anchors. There were usually 4 faces I made up for the live broadcast. One of the men was quite openly religious & came off as if he was honorable. He was not. He started off making remarks that were about my appearance, compliments, etc. Then he began flirting. I reacted as I always do & laughed it off, keeping as much distance as I could finishing his makeup faster each time, then he went further. When applying makeup for the anchors, I was usually alone with each one as they came in at certain times. This time he came in, walked directly up to me & grabbed me. He pulled me close to him & the makeup counter was behind me so I could not back up or move. He then reached for a long necklace I was wearing & picked it up by unnecessarily touching my breasts. The necklace was a lame "excuse" for doing exactly what he wanted to do. He then kissed me hard on my mouth. I jerked my head back as quickly as I could, but remember, this happens so fast & so unexpectedly, it is difficult to defend against. Any women that has had this unwanted experience knows how fast it happens! I was new & not sure what to do (knowing I would lose my gig if I said something) so I applied his makeup & tried to act like nothing happened. So sick & uncomfortable!!
Some time passed & I finally trusted another anchor enough to confide what had been done to me. I told the anchor that whenever I had to be around this man I felt like I had to take a shower! Thats how disgusting he was & made me feel! I eventually did get this resolved. I had many more experiences like this with other celebrities/personalities & had to say nothing because as a makeup artist you have no job security. You can be fired for any & NO reason!! Anytime! It is a sad fact but goes with the territory. I knew about a makeup artist that did complain about a situation that happened to her & she never worked again.
For the most part my career was wonderful & filled with great, positive experiences and people! I am happy I had the career I had & worked incredibly hard to have it! These things happen & I have not even told you the worst. I will though eventually in one of my upcoming blogs. Again, let me say that both my modeling career & my makeup career were great! I would not have wanted a "real job" behind a desk, going to the same building day after day, seeing the same people, etc. That type of job never appealed to me. It is fine for others & had I worked a job of that sort, I certainly would have had an easier road. The trouble with me is I rarely choose the "easy road". I don't know why, perhaps I just crave change & variety. I guess that is just me!
Yours in Beauty,
During this time, the other "fit model" & I had to do small, live fashion shows for buyers. These were in conference rooms and were mostly men. There we were in a room full of "suits" in nothing but our underwear! We did however, find pantyhose that were nude all the up with no panels. We used to wear 2 pairs to feel like we had some protection! We had to "show" the salesmen the fabrics on our bodies, the fit and worst of all, the feel of the fabric. That meant the salesmen would feel free to 'freely feel' the little clothing we had on! Feel they did! Any excuse to "touch the merchandise"! In any other job that type of behavior would not be allowed, but in areas of the "industry" (for lack of a better word), anything goes, that is if you want to work!

Some time passed & I finally trusted another anchor enough to confide what had been done to me. I told the anchor that whenever I had to be around this man I felt like I had to take a shower! Thats how disgusting he was & made me feel! I eventually did get this resolved. I had many more experiences like this with other celebrities/personalities & had to say nothing because as a makeup artist you have no job security. You can be fired for any & NO reason!! Anytime! It is a sad fact but goes with the territory. I knew about a makeup artist that did complain about a situation that happened to her & she never worked again.
For the most part my career was wonderful & filled with great, positive experiences and people! I am happy I had the career I had & worked incredibly hard to have it! These things happen & I have not even told you the worst. I will though eventually in one of my upcoming blogs. Again, let me say that both my modeling career & my makeup career were great! I would not have wanted a "real job" behind a desk, going to the same building day after day, seeing the same people, etc. That type of job never appealed to me. It is fine for others & had I worked a job of that sort, I certainly would have had an easier road. The trouble with me is I rarely choose the "easy road". I don't know why, perhaps I just crave change & variety. I guess that is just me!
Yours in Beauty,
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